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DASHstaff profile – Rachel

Your name
Rachel Wilkin
How long have you worked at DASH?
 Over 3 years
What work did you do prior to working with DASH?
Lunchtime assistant and a cleaner
What is your role and what particular skills/strengths do you have that help you to do your job?
I’m a Housing and Support Worker. I am non-judgmental, patient and professional. I’m a person who always try’s her best to support a service user and to guide them towards living independently.
What are the main challenges involved in carrying out your role and how do you try to overcome them?
You have to be very patient at times as you can be pushed to your limits. If a service user wants help they usually want it now! They can be very selfish. You have to be thick skinned in this job and not let what they say to you get you down as they can be extremely rude sometimes. Not to show weakness in any way and remain professional. Speaking to my colleagues helps me overcome my frustration at times as they give me advise and support to help me overcome the mad times.
Is there any other information or are there any other comments that you think might be of interest to readers of the newsletter/visitors to our website? Please include something about yourself that is interesting/different!
This Job can be manic at times but seeing the positive outcomes of people moving on and doing well makes it all worthwhile.
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