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The trustees meet bi-monthly and are responsible for the overall management and control of the charity, receiving reports from the Management Team.

Would you be interested in becoming a trustee of DASH? We are always looking for new members to bring their skills and experience to us. Please contact us for a non-obligation chat and/or application pack.

Please see our current trustees’ profiles below.

Role: Chair
Appointed: As Chair: 29/11/22
As Trustee: 27/10/2015

Area Manager, South Tyneside Homes

Kate has worked in social housing for the last 24 years- beginning as a trainee housing officer in a local authority and working with a range of social housing providers in a variety of roles throughout her career. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing and has lived in Durham for the last 10 years. Kate is keen to help make a contribution to her local community using her professional skills. Kate has 3 school age children & has recently taken up running again.

An interview with… Kate

How long have you been a trustee for DASH and what caused you to become involved?

I first became involved in 2015, I read about DASH in a newspaper article and jumped at the opportunity to become involved in a housing organisation based in my home town. I stepped up to Chair in November 2022

What does the DASH Management Committee do?

They oversee the running of the organisation and provide direction and support for the paid staff, everyone involved brings a professional or personal interest in helping make a difference in Durham

What is your role and what does it involve?

My experience and contribution tends to be focussed around the housing management elements of the service, as well as experience of risk management, health and safety and general management.

What do you like most about your role?

My day job takes me out of Durham, I like the fact this is a Durham based charity & service- making a difference in my community.

What are the most challenging parts of the role?

Finding time to give it the time and attention it deserves

What positives and challenges do you see for DASH in the current economic and political climate?

The ever-decreasing funding streams that seem to be mirrored by the increasingly complex needs that customers have makes every day a challenge. Personally, I think the lack of real investment in social housing for a decade remains our biggest political challenge.

On a positive note – DASH, as a local charity based organisation is able to provides a unique and person centred service in the Durham area.

An interview with … Mike Costello

How long have you been a trustee for DASH and what caused you to become involved?

I’ve only just joined in March 2021

What does the DASH Management Committee do?

It runs the charity

What is your role and what does it involve?

I will provide general advice at the moment until I am more experienced with DASH

What do you like most about your role?

Bringing a fresh view to proceedings and utilising my abilities.

What are the most challenging parts of the role?

Getting up to speed with how the organisation operates

What positives and challenges do you see for DASH in the current economic and political climate?

We can only hope that the plight of our users will become better known and supported.

DASH needs to continue to be aware of, and respond to, the ever changing environment it has to work in.

Role: Trustee
Appointed: 28/05/19

Solicitor at EDF Renewables


I am an in-house Solicitor at EDF Renewables working on both onshore and offshore renewable technologies. I studied French at Leeds University and spent a year teaching English in France, but otherwise I have lived in Durham all of my life.

I wanted to get involved with DASH after interacting with others in need. I am hoping that the skills that I have developed in my job will be beneficial in my role as trustee on the DASH Management Committee. I look forward to working with the other committee members to make a difference in the local community, and to contribute to the great work that DASH does.

An interview with…

How long have you been a trustee for DASH and what caused you to become involved?

I have only been a trustee for DASH for 3 months, having officially been made a full board member at the end of the May 2019 board meeting. I decided to become involved with DASH as I was looking for ways to volunteer with a homelessness charity in the Durham area. I spotted that DASH were looking for trustees, and I felt that this would be a way of contributing that I could fit around my full time job.

What does the DASH Management Committee do?

The DASH Management Committee is responsible for governing DASH and directing how it is managed and run in accordance with its constitutional documents. In order to do this, the Committee meets on a bi-monthly basis to, amongst other things, review: the managers’ reports, business development, and financial information.

What is your role and what does it involve?

My role as trustee involves being a member of the DASH Management Committee, attending the regular Committee meetings, and acting collectively with the other trustees to govern DASH and take decisions. Trustees also get involved in wider events organised by the charity such as fundraising.

What do you like most about your role?

I like working with, and learning from, the other DASH Management Committee members to support the great work carried out by the people who work at DASH.

What are the most challenging parts of the role?

It’s a bit early to say what the most challenging parts of the role are at this stage. As a new trustee, the main challenge is to get up to speed with what the charity does and how it is managed.

What positives and challenges do you see for DASH in the current economic and political climate?

A big challenge for DASH, as with other charities, is the uncertainty surrounding our exit from the European Union. This has also led to a challenging economic environment. DASH therefore has to prepare for continued dependence on the support it provides.

Role: Trustee

Appointed: 2020

An interview with William Manners

How long have you been a trustee for DASH and what caused you to become involved?

I am one of the new members to the committee serving less than a year, reaching out to the organisation at the start of the very first lockdown. I had considered doing some philanthropy for over a year but could not decide on what channel would be the most appropriate for my skill set. I was set on the idea that the chosen organisation would have to be focused on my local community and DASH aligned itself well with its service users whom I believe needed support the most.

What does the DASH Management Committee do?

The Committee is charged with the responsibility of governing the organisation to allow it to best meet its mission statement through achieving its objectives. This is accomplished through making decisions on all functions from HR, Accounting & Finance, to Marketing, all at a senior level.

What is your role and what does it involve?

In my personal career I am a Company Director of an engineering company, as I develop in the new role of a Trustee I hope to transfer some of my skills and experience to DASH. I hope to provide an insight for DASH into the private sector as its bridge to engage with local businesses to gain additional support towards it cause. I also aim to assist in making strategic decisions through the Committee to ensure DASH’s sustainable future in aiding the local community.

What do you like most about your role?

I find the role very relatable to my personal career so have the pleasure of knowing I can add value to the organise for many years to come. Having attended quite a number of Committee meetings it is a pleasure to meet such a number of well qualified Trustees and reassuring to see the organisation in such capable hands. I find it a great pleasure to surround myself in such esteemed company and exiting to think of what the organisation can go on to accomplish for its stakeholders.

What are the most challenging parts of the role?

For myself if it would be the time commitment, on top of what is already a very busy working week. But more over the guilt of knowing DASH deserves more time as the task of running any organisation can be extremely challenging. That said the full-time staff do an amazing job of managing the organisation ensuring it delivers the highest service to its clients.

What positives and challenges do you see for DASH in the current economic and political climate?

There has never been a more prominent time than during the current pandemic where people are in need of DASH’s services to assist them get through these difficult times. It is during these times the organisation can show its worth by delivering support to its clients and achieving its objectives. Due to the economic effects of BREXIT and the pandemic funding for the organisation appears to be a significant challenge, which may pose a detriment to carrying out its services.

Joined as a trustee and volunteer in 2021

Retired in 2009 after 32 years as an NHS Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon, based at Sunderland Royal Hospital, covering South Tyneside, northwest Durham, Washington and Sunderland. Qualified at Edinburgh University in 1967 and trained in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Preston and Newcastle.

Married for 50+ years with two children and three granddaughters.

Volunteered at The People’s Kitchen, Newcastle for 11 years, where I was a trustee for 5 years as well as volunteering providing meals weekly, allotment work, fundraising, organising country walks.

I am pleased to be able to continue volunteering and being a Trustee for DASH which helps disadvantaged and vulnerable people. I hope to work towards adding scope to what can be provided, whilst helping to fundraise and raise the profile of the charity in the local community.

Hobbies: walking, reading, gardening, learning to coordinate my two hands to play the ukulele and eating out with friends and travelling abroad when not in a pandemic.

Clive was born and grew up in Newcastle upon Tyne graduated with a degree in Estate Surveying from Nottingham Trent and has lived in Durham City since 1978. 

A retired Chartered Surveyor Clive spent most of his career in private practice in Durham and Newcastle specialising in residential property. 

Clive was formerly a board member with one of the region’s largest Housing Associations and having recently become a  trustee (March 2022) looks forward to helping DASH grow the service it provides to single and homeless people in the Durham area. 

Further information to follow.

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